Florence, Rome and Verona temporary hubs for the late-1800s genre

Feb 06, 2014 893

Florence's Palazzo Pitti hosts Impressionists at Palazzo Pitti until January 5th, with 12 Impressionist masterpieces on loan from the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. Two sections compose the exhibit (one outdoors), while both boast names like Degas and Pisarro, Monet and Cézanne, Guigou and Renoir.

Verona, rather, is all about Monet, with the retrospective Verso Monet. Storia del paesaggio dal '600 al '900 (trans. "Direction Monet: History of the Landscape from the 1600s to 1900s"). By way of 90 paintings, the exhibit narrates the artist's nature studies, beginning with the 17th Century and concluding with his famed nymphs (early 1900s).

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Source: http://www.italia.it/

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