Exploring the Rich History and Culture of Bergamo, Italy

Mar 22, 2023 557

Nestled in the Lombardy region of Northern Italy lies a city that is often overlooked by tourists in favor of the more popular destinations of Milan and Venice. But for those who take the time to explore its winding streets, towering churches, and ancient walls, Bergamo reveals itself to be a hidden gem of Italian culture and history.

Founded over 2,000 years ago by the Celts, Bergamo was later ruled by the Romans, the Lombards, and the Venetians, each leaving their mark on the city’s architecture and culture. Today, Bergamo is divided into two distinct parts: the Città Alta (Upper Town) and the Città Bassa (Lower Town), both of which offer unique experiences for visitors.

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SOURCE: https://www.italiannotebook.com/

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