120 Food-Filled Hours in Emilia-Romagna

Nov 07, 2022 330

Land and sea, gastronomic treasures and fantastic wines, historical and cultural heritage, Romanesque and Renaissance cities, ancient borgo castles and charming coastal towns, verdant meadows combined with undulating hills, streams of the Po river beneath Monte Cimone’s peak. Emilia-Romagna has it all.

As the name suggests, the state divides itself into two subregions, Emilia–inland–and Romagna–the coastal area of the region. In Emilia, you will find the region’s bigger cities, flat agricultural land and provincial suburbs surrounded by rolling hills, while Romagna directly faces the Adriatic sea and is populated by the municipalities with long beaches and misty waters also referred to as la Riviera Romagnola.

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SOURCE: https://italysegreta.com

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