Celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich is coming to East Greenwich. How you can meet her

Oct 05, 2023 479

BY: Gail Ciampa

Celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich will be in Rhode Island on Saturday, Oct. 7, at Dave’s Fresh Marketplace, 1000 Division St., East Greenwich. She will sign her latest cookbook, “Lidia’s From Our Family Table To Yours” starting at 11 a.m. The price of the book is $20, a savings of $15 from the cover price, while supplies last. Books must be purchased at Dave’s for the signing.

The book was co-written with her daughter Tanya Bastianich Manuali and is subtitled "More Than 100 Recipes Made with Love for All Occasions." It's a personal collection of more than a hundred favorite family recipes. Lidia chatted by phone on the subject of her food and family, two of her favorite things. She said the new cookbook is the companion to her PBS TV show "Lidia's Kitchen" which is now airing. 

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SOURCE: https://www.providencejournal.com

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