Paterson to name School 16 media center after founder of ‘Italian Voice’ newspaper

Feb 07, 2017 1094

BY: Jayed Rahman

The city’s school district may soon name the School 16 media center after the founder of the “Italian Voice” newspaper following repeated lobbying by the founder’s daughter. Cesairna Augusto Earl, the daughter, made the case to name the school or media center after her mother, Mary Augusto, yet again on Wednesday night. School board president Christopher Irving gave in telling Earl the board will consider a resolution to name the new school’s media center after Augusto.

“That would be wonderful,” Earl told the board. Her mother saved the school when the school board attempted to shut it down in 1946-7 because it was too expensive to heat in the winter. Augusto gathered 200 People’s Park neighborhood residents and brought them to the Board of Education meeting. Her mother suggested eliminating the top floor of the three-floor building to make it cheaper to heat. The top floor was taken offline and the school avoided closure, said Earl.

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