NEWS FROM : Education & Science  

The University of California, Los Angeles, invites applications for an Assistant Professorship in Italian literature and culture, beginning July 1, 2014. Broad scholarly specialization will range from Dante and the European Humanist tradition to the 17th century. The successful candidate will be a committed and published scholar, with PhD in hand,...

by Catherine Accardi & Dr. Lisa Pieraccini On May 6, 2015, UC Berkeley's ambitious plan to establish a Center for the Study of Ancient Italy was officially launched with a reception at the Italian Cultural Institute in San Francisco. It was a well attended event with supporting remarks from Italy's own representative, Mauro Battocchi, the...

Il 27 Ottobre l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Los Angeles ha ospitato il seminario "New Audiences for Italian: Italian for Spanish Speakers through Intercomprehension", sull'insegnamento della lingua italiana agli ispanofoni attraverso l'intercomprensione. Durante il workshop, organizzato dal Consolato Generale in collaborazione con la California...

by Robert Gallo A visit to San Diego's Italian Cultural Center, San Diego State University and Online Italian language programs will reveal that the typical grammar and memorization of language has taken a turn toward teaching more practical aspects of using the Italian language.   "The Italian Cultural Center (ICC) is not just a school, we...

THURSDAY, May 14, 7:00 - 8:00 PM Chapman University - Beckman Hall- Fourth Floor, Patio Free and Open to all who want to improve their language skills, learn about the Italian culture, speak with native speakers, and socialize with members of the local community and students!   For more information contact Dr. Fede...

Mettersi continuamente alla prova, cercare nuovi stimoli in giro per il mondo senza mai dimenticare il proprio Paese d'origine. Valentina Cantori, milanese classe 1989, ha iniziato a viaggiare a 18 anni e da allora non si è più fermata, aggiungendo nuove tappe al suo percorso personale e lavorativo. Un viaggio che dura una vita e che l'ha port...

The Order Sons of Italy in America Weed Lodge #1269 scholarship application is now available for high school seniors planning to graduate this spring and enroll in college or trade school in the fall of 2015.    Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 for high school credit courses through seven consecutive semesters, and have a paren...

Recentemente L'Italo-Americano è andato a visitare La Piccola Scuola Italiana a San Francisco, insieme alla direttrice Valentina Imbeni. Dopo la pubblicazione della prima parte dell'incontro con due delle ideatrici del progetto, ecco la seconda parte dell'intervista. Uno dei precetti fondamentali dell'insegnamento di Reggio Emilia, sviluppatosi ne...

Alyanna Cardozo is the scholarship winner for the 2013 Poetry Contest funded by Fondazione Azzurra, Edulingua and The UCLA Italian Club.   "It's been three years now since we started this program and we've been noticing an increase of interest in our language, especially among people who do not have Italian origins, which means that Italian...

Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 Time: 6:30 PM. Location: IIC (Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, Suite F, San Francisco) Organized by: Leonardo da Vinci Society, IIC   Professor Ascoli will read and comment on verses from the Divina Commedia and the Convivio. The lecture will be followed by a Q & A session, and is a companion to the H...

Just across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco — and 700 years into the past — distinguished professors from all over the world are lecturing on the work of 14th century Florentine poet and humanist Giovanni Boccaccio, renown for works such as Decameron and On Famous Women. Recently, San Franciscans enjoyed Pier Paolo Pasolini's Decameron at the Cas...

In un articolo apparso sul Corriere della Sera nel gennaio 2010, il noto filologo e critico letterario Cesare Segre denunciava la crisi della nostra lingua e l'uso improprio che se ne fa nella vita di tutti i giorni, specialmente nei differenti contesti in cui viene applicata. Segre insisteva in particolare sulla mancanza di selettività dei cosidde...