Renzo Picasso: A Lesser-Known Architect Who Had Creative Plans for NYC

Jul 06, 2016 529

New York City has many buildings and other infrastructure that were planned by some of the best-known architectural heavyweights in history including McKim, Mead and White, Cass Gilbert and Frank Lloyd Wright. But New Yorkers are less likely to have heard of Renzo Picasso, a 20th-century Italian architect and engineer who created plans for "future New York" among other drawings of the city.

The Renzo Picasso archive, which can be found here in digital form, has ensured that Picasso's drawings and plans remain in the narrative of New York City architecture. The archive has preserved a number of sketches that Picasso drew in the 1920s and 1930s depicting city maps and plans for the New York City transit system.

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