Made in Italy luxury, commitment and beauty

Nov 03, 2017 740

Simple things are the most difficult things to do really well,”says Gianluca Isaia, the creator, soul and entrepreneur of a tailoring brand that from Naples has conquered the world of male elegance. And he says this in a video that opens the workshop on the fashion and luxury industry, the third in the series “This is Italy, parts unknown”, the New York event organized by Panorama: a hilarious video, where Isaiah explains to an alter ego (he himself, filmed side by side and then digitally edited) the secrets of the tie, which looks like a simple and almost trivial accessory and encloses technology. How simple is it to make spaghetti with tomato sauce? And not even spaghetti is easy to do them well!

The main reason I made that video is that it’s not easy to communicate the product to the consumer, and really interested in it, to have his attention and passion,”explains the entrepreneur. Our customers have to be involved in what we are and what we do, because they have to perceive the identity of our brand, which is everything. They have a good chance of experiencing an emotion, an immersive and profound experience when they come into contact with our brand.

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