Italy: a great opportunity for US investor. A summit in New York will explain why

Feb 05, 2015 1464

In cooperation with Aspen Institute Italia, the Italian Embassy in US and The Council for the United States and Italy, Italian Business & investment Initiative's Summit will be held on February 10 at Bloomberg's headquarters in Manhattan. This summit's theme will be "Italy: we are open for business".

As customary it will host CEOs, investors and government's representatives such as: Italian Foreign Affairs minister Paolo Gentiloni, US ambassador in Italy, John Phillips; Sergio Marchionne, CEO FCA; Sergio Dompé, Managing Director Dompé Farmaceutici; Francesco Starace, CEO ENEL; Maximo Ibarra, CEO Wind; Luisa Todini, Managing Director Poste Italiane, Matteo Del Fante, CEO Terna, Alessandro Castellano, CEO SACE; Domenico Arcuri, CEO Invitalia.

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Fonte: Italian Good News

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