West Bank teen's St. Joseph Day tabletop on permanent display at museum

Mar 29, 2017 1629

BY: Helen Williams

So proud of his Italian heritage, Renzo Gerard Cantin decided to use it as the basis of his seventh grade Louisiana history project at Holy Cross School. He created a tabletop Saint Joseph Day altar and an accompanying poster presentation on the influence of Italian immigrants in Louisiana. Cantin was pleased that the project qualified for state level school competition, but he never expected all that happened next. 

So good did the exhibit turn out, that it will be on permanent display in the museum of the American Italian Cultural Center in New Orleans. The announcement was made by Honorary Consul to Italy, Frank Maselli, who said they are pleased to add the miniature St. Joseph's altar to their permanent collection, that Cantin's enthusiasm and pride for the Italian and Sicilian culture is as impressive as his altar.

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SOURCE: http://blog.nola.com

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