Art Conversations VIII: Michelangelo and The Medici

Apr 20, 2017 2080

April 23, 2017 ~ 3:00 p.m. With Emily Fenichel, Ph.D. Tickets Available Through Boca Raton Museum of Art, 501 Plaza Real ~ Boca Raton or [email protected]. Non-Member of Friends of the Uffizi Gallery ~ $10.00. Seating is Limited ~ Reservations are Recommended

One of the most enduring relationships in Michelangelo's life was his personal and professional entanglement with the powerful Medici family . The Medici were responsible for Michelangelo's early education, some of his major commissions in Florence, and ultimately, his exile from the city as an elderly man. This talk will be comprehensive view of the influence of the Medici on Michelangelo's art, life, and legacy.

SOURCE: Friends of the Uffizi Gallery

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