Why we should never change Columbus Day's name (Your letters)

Mar 22, 2018 899

To the Editor: This is in response to the Syracuse Board of Education's tabled resolution to replace traditional Columbus Day with "Indigenous Peoples Day," as I need to express my deep-hearted feelings with regard to this ridiculous proposal. As a member of the Syracuse City School District for over 36 years, I have always seen a great respect from the employees, parents and peoples of the city of Syracuse in regard to all racial and ethnic diversity.

To single out Columbus Day because of a few negative people, those of us of Italian heritage whose parents have come to this country throughout the years and is viewed today and in our history books by all Americans as a great individual, is an insult and a deplorable act. Everyone in our country should be concentrating on our newly arrived immigrants, welcoming them and assisting them in becoming citizens of our community rather than looking at an issue that occurred over 500 years ago.

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SOURCE: http://www.syracuse.com

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