Making Sauce, Chasing Chickens Is My Destiny

Sep 09, 2016 505

By Gina Barreca

Destiny: Those parts of your life you can't escape no matter how hard you've worked to avoid them. I was making tomato sauce the other afternoon just as my Sicilian grandmother taught me: searing the sausage and the chopped meat in separate frying pans while getting the olive oil, garlic, parsley and the oregano ready in other small pots.

In Brooklyn, where I grew up, we always had sauce — or as my family referred to it "gravy" — simmering on a back burner. The original version had been there since 1948. It was stirred constantly by my Aunt Josephina, who had an arm like a longshoreman. Just one. The only time she left that spot was to go to Mass.

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