Wilmington Sons of Italy celebrates 50 years

Jan 27, 2017 1125

The Or­der Sons of Italy in America Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge is celebrating their 50th anniversary later this spring. On March 25, the Wil­­mington Sons of Italy lodge is throwing a party to commemorate the occasion. The event will take place at the Wilmington-Tewksbury Elks and begin at 6:30 p.m. with a cocktail hour and hors d’oeuvres. At 7:30 PM, after the appetizers, a five-course dinner, including desert, will be served. Along with a generous amount of food, a DJ will be providing music to the celebration. For more information about the event and tickets, contact Kevin Caira at 978 657 7734.

The Wilmington Sons of Italy has, over the past 50 years, been a major contributor to making the town a better place. On March 12, the founders of the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge formed the Wilmington Sons of Italy. The designated founders of the lodge were Laura Caira, Frances Gray, and George Murray. When the lodge was formed, there were over 90 members in­volved. Since its inception, the lodge has provided community service and generosity to the town.


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SOURCE: http://homenewshere.com

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