Italian American Writers Association – Literary Reading and Open Mic in Boston

Feb 05, 2019 951

Saturday February 23 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. I AM BOOKS - 189 NORTH STREET - BOSTON, MA 02113. The Italian American Writers Association in Boston presents “A literary reading and open mic,” beginning at 6 p.m. (sign ups at 5:45). The evening will be hosted by Jennifer Martelli.

Featured authors: Joey Nicoletti is the author of three poetry collections, most recently Thundersnow (Grandma Moses Press, 2017) and five chapbooks, including Capicola Slang (NightBallet Press, 2019). His Pushcart Prize-nominated work has appeared in The Rumpus, Ovunque Siamo, Aethlon, Voices in Italian Americana, and elsewhere. Joey teaches at SUNY Buffalo State College.

Joseph Torra‘s books include: My Ground Trilogy, They Say, What It Takes, What’s So Funny, The Bystander’s Scrapbook (Fiction); Call Me Waiter (Memoir); Keep Watching the Sky, After the Chinese, Time Being (Poetry); he has edited the poetry of Stephen Jonas, and literary journals lift magazine, and Let the Bucket Down.

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