Boston library to return historical artifacts to Italy

Apr 20, 2017 840


The Boston Public Library is returning to Italy medieval manuscripts and a volume of works, ending in one case a mystery dating back seven decades. The items include a manuscript from 1392, an illuminated leaf from a manuscript dating between 1418 and 1422, and a collection of works by Bernardino Telesio, published in 1590. Boston Mayor Martin Walsh said Wednesday he’s glad the items are being returned, saying they “represent Italy’s rich history.”

Library officials say the items were bought legitimately from well-known rare book dealers during the mid-20th century. “Boston Public Library purchased these rare and important materials in good faith for the public to see and study and we took our stewardship of them seriously during the many years that they were in our care,” said Beth Prindle, the library’s head of Special Collections. “We are fully committed to their safe return.”


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