Veterans museum to screen great film for a great cause

Nov 15, 2015 992

The Italian American Veterans Museum will screen the Oscar-winning film "Mister Roberts" at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 7. The screening will benefit Hines Veterans Hospital. Admission is alcohol free toiletries and other items, such as aftershave, mouthwash, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shaving cream and disposable razors, combs, and playing cards. The items will be donated to the veterans at Hines.

"Mister Roberts" is a bittersweet comedy about a supply officer aboard a decrepit cargo ship during World War II who yearns for a transfer into a combat zone but is thwarted by the ship's captain, a petty tyrant. Forced to endure various humiliations in exchange for privileges, the crew engage in minor acts of resistance, and look to Mr. Roberts for inspiration and moral support.

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Fonte: Fra Noi

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