May issue of "Poche Parole"

May 14, 2014 942

The May issue of Poche Parole is on the ICS website at: and the printed issue has been sent out.

Let me call your attention to the invitation to this year's GALA awards dinner on Sunday evening, June 22. Please see the invitation at:

This year we combine the scholarship awards with a celebration of the end of the Spring Term of our Italian Language Program, and we hope you can join us for a fun evening, honoring our scholarship awards recipients in a typical Italian aperitivo and cena at the charming Positano restaurant.

Also, don't forget our social meeting on Sunday May 18, when Carlo Ellena will tell us about the region of Liguria, and if you want to see the Oscar-winning movie La Grande Bellezza remember it starts 15 minutes early at 12:45 because of its length.

We hope to see you on May 18 and at the June 22 Gala.

Arrigo Mongini

Source: Italian Cultural Society

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