Keep the Columbus Statue on Journal Square

Oct 03, 2020 673

A recent forum questioned the efficacy of maintaining the statue of Christopher Columbus on Journal Square. Many speakers recommended the removal of the statue. We, however, vehemently disagree with that suggestion. Columbus continues to be relevant. We firmly believe that the voyages of Christopher Columbus represent a tremendous human achievement. They symbolize a documented “first encounter.” The importance of Columbus’s voyages should never be trivialized.

Jersey City artist, Archimedes Aristedes Michael Giacomantonio, sculpted the bronze statue of Columbus. Coincidentally, he also created the Columbus statue which stands in Hoboken’s Columbus Park. The statue of Christopher Columbus has been a part of Jersey City’s history since 1950. Every year, since 1950, the Dante Alighieri Society has placed a wreath at the statue of Columbus on Journal Square during the Columbus Day activities. 

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