Italian-Americans Unite to Defeat AB55

Mar 21, 2013 730

Back in January we reported that a California lawmaker introduced a bill, AB55 that seeks to replace the state holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus with one honoring the continent's indigenous inhabitants.

AB 55, as introduced by Roger Hernández stated: "The second Monday in October, previously known as Columbus Day, shall be known as Native American Day."

AB 55 has been amended, and instead, designates the fourth Friday in September as Native American Day. Columbus Day will remain intact on the second Monday in October.

Columbus Day is the only day our nation recognizes and celebrates our Italian Culture. A culture rich in traditions and steeped in patriotism that bursts from the chests of 16 to 26 million Italian-Americans who call this great nation of the United States home.

Thank you to all who helped keep Columbus Day a state holiday in California by signing the petition.

Click here to see the petition

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