«Santa Francesca Cabrini ha ancora una forza di attrazione non solo per gli immigrati ma per ogni persona che vive un ideale forte nei confronti degli altri». Il presidente della fondazione Migrantes, monsignor Guerino Di Tora, ha indicato così l’attualità della santa che, tra la fine dell’‘800 e i primi anni del ‘900, si recò negli Stati Uniti per...

On May 31, the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles (IAMLA) unveiled the newest addition — the iconic Captain America shield — to its permanent exhibition, Italians in Hollywood. The latest piece showcases the achievements of record-smashing directors Joe and Anthony Russo, best known for Avengers: Infinity War, and Captain America: Civil War. Bo...

It’s no easy thing to find paper-thin prosciutto sliced to order in this town. Alimentari, a new deli set to open later this summer on the east side, wants to change that. “Everything’s going to be cut fresh to order, so if you get prosciutto, mortadella, capacolla, it’ll be sliced to order for you in whatever size you want,” said Dan Bonanno, the...

E' stato inaugurato il primo volo diretto di Air Italy (partecipata da Qatar Airlines) da Milano Malpensa per Miami, che segue la programmazione già partita tra lo scalo intercontinentale lombardo e New York. Si completa così l’offerta della stagione estiva 2018 la nuova rete di collegamenti per il Nord America dopo l'apertura del servizio quotidia...

Film-making brothers Frank and Joe Ciota loved watching movies when they were growing up in Lynn. “I’d go to the Surf Cinema in Swampscott all the time,” said Frank, the director. The drive-in theaters on the Lynnway and on Squire Road in Revere were also favorite spots. “And the Harvard Square Theatre in Cambridge; I saw so many double features th...

You're at dinner, seated across from someone you like sharing dinners with—the two of you savoring a couple of Saffron Vespers.  Nice shirt, by the way. Your date rattles off a few things they'd like: oven-fried garlic knots smothered in everything bagel seasoning. Avocado bruschetta. Another round, this time of Macchina martinis, with herbs and ol...

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles had an ambitious plan in 2014 to bring Alfa Romeo back to the United States and sell 400,000 of the vehicles worldwide by this year. Those numbers did not pan out, but that might not be surprising for a brand that sold only 66,000 vehicles that year and had not been part of the U.S. market for decades. As FCA CEO Sergio Ma...

A new documentary about New Haven’s Little Italy is part fond recollections, part Ken Burns, and fully committed to the stories of everyday neighborhood residents. That’s the pitch that local filmmaker and reporter Steve Hamm made on a recent episode of WNHH’s “Deep Focus” for his new movie, The Village: Life in New Haven’s Little Italy. The movie...

Napoletano di sangue e di cuore, chef per passione e vocazione, Raffaele Ronca fa il bis dopo il successo del suo “Rafele” ristorante con anima e corpo nel Sud Italia inaugurato nel 2012 nel West Village. Sarà a Rye, nel Westchester, e porterà avanti la formula di successo che lo chef napoletano ha già collaudato nella Grande Mela: una cucina vera,...

Summer in Naples is simply magical! As Italy’s third largest city, there is never a shortage of entertaining activities to engage in. Naples has been inhabited since ancient times. This is reflected in the elegant architecture that dates back to the Greek and Roman empires. In addition, the city overlooks the beautiful Tyrrhenian Sea. Naples is a b...

If you've got Italian fare on the brain, you're in luck: we've found the freshest New York City eateries to quell your cravings. Here are the newest places to check out the next time you're in the mood for Italian food. Fluem Pasta (241 Pearl St., Financial District): Fluem Pasta is a fast-casual Italian spot that offers house-made al dente pasta t...

Italy. The mere mention of it evokes "oohs" and "ahs." Friends, family, even people you don't know, begin commenting about "la dolce vita" the food, wine, beauty, culture and its never boring population.  All these positive references sometimes take us off our guard.  While soaking up all the beauty Italy has to offer, we tend to forget we still ha...