The origins of the three different breeds of Vitellone Bianco dell'Appennino Centrale IGP (White Veal from the Central Apennines) are ancient and distinct. The Romagnola breed comes from the Caucasus region of the Ukraine and arrived in Italy with Agilulf’s Lombards in the fourth century A.D. However, it was the engineer Leopoldo Tosi, who created...

The sultry heat, sand blowing in the morning air, and the parched land of Salento, a small sub region in Apulia. The women here, bent over to work in the fields, are marked by fatigue. A tarantula bites one of their ankles, so she runs to grab a tambourine and dance without inhibition, until all the poison finally exits her body. This turns out to...

On May 14, 1864, a reward was published in a newspaper in Richmond, Virginia, for the capture of Henry, a runaway Black slave. On the same day, Pasquale Falvella posted a reward in a New York tabloid for an eleven-year-old Italian harpist named Antonio Pricolo. The boy had escaped from Falvella, who was a cruel padrone. Although Antonio’s fate is u...

This article will provide some key guidance and information regarding how to book an appointment to apply for citizenship by descent at an Italian consulate, both in the U.S. and abroad. It will also provide further information that will be helpful to you as you seek your Italian citizenship. Role of the consulate A consulate represents a state in...

Aerospace represents a sector where there is a Made in Italy that is as important as it is little known. Our country in the field of aeronautics has a long-standing and established tradition. In 1903 the first flight of the Wright brothers took place, and already on January 13, 1909, the first Italian aircraft, built by Engineer Aristide Faccioli a...

Pinot Grigio in Collio Pinot Grigio is the most planted grape of Collio, but has been losing acreage as it has been replaced slowly by Malvasia and Ribolla Gialla. Our guide, Richard Baudains, through the tasting explained that Pinot Grigio is less sensitive to soils than it is to climate. I really enjoyed this tasting as it showed the many styles...

Mia Nicole Clavelli's rich American-Italian heritage and her close connection to her Italian roots have significantly shaped her life and experiences. Now she finds herself in Rome, embracing the true meaning of embracing her Italian roots, and living out a dream her Grandfather had for her. Born into a family with a deep Italian heritage, she enjo...

Exercise for self-care and environmental protection. In a word: plogging. To practice it, one must leave home in classic runner's clothing equipped with a bag and a pair of gloves to pick up waste. Turning one's exercise routine into an eco-friendly sport that is good for the body and the environment. A sport in its own right that over time has bec...

Villa Arconati, also known as the Castellazzo, is one of the historic mansions located in Bollate, in the hamlet of Castellazzo di Bollate. It is an example of late XVIII century Lombard baroque, and it is a national monument. The villa is located within the “Parco delle Groane”, on a corner of a large garden square, next to the courts and the chur...

Dear friends, in September I had the pleasure of attending two events in the United States, both very interesting, which saw me together with a friend with whom we are forming a beautiful business partnership, Davide Ippolito. We were in Detroit, guests of the wonderful Italian Consul Allegra Baistrocchi, for the new edition of LoveItDetroit: a fan...

Textile weaving with vegetable fibres (especially silk) and wool has been a fundamentally important activity in the Piceno area for centuries. Almost all rural homes had at least one loom, around which the women would be engaged in spinning, warping, weaving, tailoring and embroidery. Complete bridal trousseaux were made at home, as well as dresses...

From the Parco Archeologico della Roccelletta park in Borgia to Cape Colonna, this journey looks at the history of Calabria by travelling through its tourist destinations and along the charming coasts of the Ionian Sea in the Gulf of Squillace. The Parco Archeologico della Roccelletta park in Borgia (in the province of Catanzaro) is where the Greek...