di Emanuele Pettener   Sono un Italoamericano. Anche se appartengo a quella generazione, sbarcata in America all'alba del 2000, che non lo ammetterà mai. Siamo emigranti (siamo venuti a studiare e lavorare negli Stati Uniti perché in Italia non c'erano possibilità, non c'era lavoro) abbiamo un senso della patria molto flebile (suvvia, non si...

Posted by Gina Mastrangelo    G Fella is a rapper who identifies strongly with his Italian heritage. Hailing from Westchester NY, G Fella is one of the most talented rappers to ever grace the genre and he is the first Italian-American rapper to make a significant impact in the world of Hip Hop.   Tonight's premier of "G-Thi...

È durata poco meno di due ore l'audizione che il Vice Ministro degli Esteri Marta Dassù ha svolto in Senato. Chiamata a riferire sulla riorganizzazione consolare, Dassù ha illustrato quella che ha chiamato la "filosofia del riorientamento" della Farnesina.   L'audizione, inizialmente prevista insieme alla Commissione Esteri della Camera, si...

One of Piero della Francesca's most remarkable masterpieces is brought to the U.S. thanks to the collaboration with the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale, which works relentlessly to retrieve Italian masterpieces stolen or illicitly removed from the country September 13, 2013 - January 6, 2014 - Boston, MFAJanuary - March 2014 -...

By Claudia Astarita The New York Times recently discovered that planning holiday in Tuscany is no longer linked to people's interest in enjoying stunning landscapes, exceptional food and unforgettable wine, only.   Another way to experience this beautiful land is visiting the nature reserve outside Bolgheri, in western Tuscany. This beautif...

By Dominic Candeloro   There was never just ONE Little Italy in Chicago. If all Italian immigrants to Chicago had settled in the same neighborhood, the concentration of their political, economic, and cultural power would have produced a much different history. Because they came to Chicago to work, they lived near their places of employment....

On October 9, at the Palazzo Vecchio in the hall of Cinquecento will be the usual WELCOME DAY, the welcome ceremony for students of American Universities present in Florence. The Welcome Day 2013 will be characterized as an authentic Tuscan welcome to the community of American students, who will be for a few months real citizens of Florence....

They only made 31 Diablo SV-Rs in 1996. It was the first Lamborghini officially built for racing purposes, and only a few were converted for the road, including this car. It's not just patriotic, it wears the Stars and Stripes because it was the only American entry into the Lamborghini Supertrophy Series.   533 horsepower, 441 lb·ft of torqu...

By Riccardo Chioni Quest'anno la Niaf per la 38esima edizione annuale della convention nella capitale ha abbandonato i colonnati, preferendo come scenografia un pergolato fiorito dove ha sistemato il tavolo con gli ospiti d'onore, mentre il soffitto della sala delle feste del Hilton Hotel risplendeva di un azzurro cielo con il logo della Fondazion...

We are excited to be hosting VentureOutItaly, a 5-day New York market accelerator for Italian startups looking to make a splash in NYC. The week will kick off with "Italian Tech Night", a networking event featuring demos from our tech founders and an esteemed panel of New York venture investors. So, if you are interested in attending, please regist...

Illuminazione firmata .exnovo nel Living Showroom nato dal progetto internazionale Design-Apart, fondato dal designer Diego Paccagnella, insieme con l'economista Stefano Micelli, autore del noto saggio Futuro Artigiano e Craft Evangelist del team. L'appartamento, all'interno di un moderno loft di circa 300 mq nel distretto di Flatiron, 110W 25th S...

Concetta Passione just turned 100 years old on Saturday. Now the New York City Housing Authority is trying to kick her out, saying she's running a scam by living in Italy while her 73-year-old son occupies her $219 per month, one-bedroom apartment in a 49-year-old city housing project.   When it heard in 2009 that the elder Passione was spen...