By Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli Care Amiche e cari Amici,Vi scrivo per fare il punto sulla questione, ancora viva, della chiusura del Consolato italiano di Newark. In un momento in cui la visita del Presidente Barack Obama a Roma rilancia i già ottimi rapporti tra l'Italia e gli USA, consolidati nel tempo anche grazie alla presenza di tanti italiani...

The Italian Cultural Foundation recently decided to donate bags of food bought by the proceeds of their Annual St. Joe's Dinner. For Robert Odorizzi, the Treasurer of the Foundation, giving food is a family tradition. "A very nice thing that was always said about our family was, they said, your great grandmother was a very giving person," said...

Do you dream of a career in museum curation? Would you love to take a deep dive into the history of the Italian American experience — and shape how it is understood by others? Then you may be interested in applying for a new opportunity offered by the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF.) The Italian American Museum Fellowship will give thr...

By Frank Cahill   Joe Jannarone, President of Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 of Parsippany, and Mayor James Barberio are seen presenting gift cards to Regina Braham. Regina is the Director of Community Relations for Jersey Battered Women's Service (JBWS). Sons of Italy has been supporting the charitable needs of JBWS and other organizations f...

by J.J.Martin   WHEN AMERICAN MENSWEAR editors and retailers come to Milan for the biannual fashion shows, they get a double feature. The main event is on the runways, and the second act is found right on the city's cobblestone streets, where Milanese men put on their own display. Ever since Italians have been zipping home from the office or...

Una colonna sonora inedita per celebrare l'Anno della Cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti composta dal Maestro Nicola Piovani. Una partitura per orchestra sinfonica dal titolo Allegretto Made in Italy, interpretata dall'Orchestra Italiana del Cinema e realizzata con la collaborazione di: Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Ambasciata d'Italia e Istituto...

The 2013 Italia American Association of Oceans Township had one of the "best ever" events this year, according to Joe Delano, who chaired the 5-day festival. The Grand 50-50 raffle took in $35,000. The net of $17,500 was divided three ways, with 35% going to top first winner, 10% to second and 5% to third place.   Pizza eating and hot dog co...

September 19th—22nd, 2013 Holy Family Church28 Brookline AvenueNutley, NJ 07110Rectory: (973) 667-0026   Feast hours:Thursday, September 19th, 6—10 PMFriday, September 20th, 6—11 PMSaturday, September 21st, 4—11 PMSunday, September 22nd, Noon—9 PM   Read more    Fonte: Magna Grece    

ELIZABETH —Union County Freeholder Chairman Linda Carter today announced the County's fifth Annual Columbus Day Flag Raising event is set for Friday, October 11, at 1:30 p.m. on the steps of the historic Union County Courthouse.   The keynote speaker, Frank Cipolla, is a radio and TV broadcaster and author who has been seen and heard in and...

The National Columbus Celebration Association has announced that the annual ceremony will be moved from its traditional site at the Columbus Memorial Plaza at Union Station to the Casa Italiana Christopher Columbus courtyard adjacent to Holy Rosary Church, the national Italian parish. The Columbus Memorial across from Union Station remains closed d...

Il Presidente dell'Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile, Vito Riggio, e l'Amministratore della Federal Aviation Administration americana, Michael P. Huerta, hanno sottoscritto stamani a Washington un memorandum di cooperazione per il trasporto commerciale aerospaziale.   L'accordo permetterà di iniziare una collaborazione per definire le no...

Back home in South Scranton, after serving in the military in the Korean War, Marty Tomarelli helped build the Dante Literary Society's social clubhouse and banquet hall.   That was 1953, when Mr. Tomarelli, now 85, and other men who belonged to the organization constructed the building on Prospect Avenue.   Read more   Source:...