NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

Deputy Chief Robert Guidetti was officially sworn in to his new position at the Dec. 3 Mayor and Council meeting. A veteran with 27 years on the force, Guidetti will serve as the Paramus Police Department's second-in-command, working with Chief Kenneth Ehrenberg. He noted that he has spent his entire life in the borough, and will put forth his bes...

The Corey Awards Dinner, the annual fundraiser for the Ed Lucas Foundation for the Blind and Disabled, will be held Aug. 22 at the Brooklake Country Club in Florham Park. The foundation, run by Jersey Journal columnist Ed Lucas, provides scholarships for disabled students, sponsors the raising and care of guide dogs and supports research for diabet...

The Italian American One Voice Coalition wants to thank businessman and real estate developer Salvatore A. Davino for his kind contribution to the efforts of One Voice at the recent Italian American One Voice Coalition membership luncheon last month. Davino graciously and spontaneously donated 50-thousand dollars to One Voice to assist in its conti...

Americani ed italiani uniti anche a Washington per raccogliere fondi da destinare alla Croce Rossa Italiana per l'emergenza terremoto. I fondi sono stati raccolti in due cene: la prima cena il 28 settembre, la seconda il 14 dicembre. In totale sono stati raccolti 12,140 dollari. "Washington DC si è dimostrata essere tra le città più solidali...

by Kevin Litten   A Baltimore developer is planning two new projects for the city's Little Italy neighborhood that he envisions as a hearkening back to the neighborhood's Old World roots and would include a condominium tower built to resemble the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Jeff Goolst owns six rowhomes between 505 and 515 Albemarle St. that he...

The Center for Italian and Italian-American Culture in Cedar Grove, which began in 1990 and consists of close to 500 locals, is looking for new members. THINKSTOCK Those who join will have the opportunity to attend cultural programs, concerts, film and lecture series as well as wine tastings and Italian language classes. The group also partakes i...

"Se l'intento dell'amministrazione degli affari esteri è quello di razionalizzare e promuovere il nostro sistema Paese, oltre che assistere i nostri connazionali, non è possibile procedere alla chiusura del consolato di Newark".   È quanto sostiene Fucsia Nissoli, deputata di Scelta Civica eletta in Nord America, in una interrogazione al Min...

By Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli Care Amiche e cari Amici,Vi scrivo per fare il punto sulla questione, ancora viva, della chiusura del Consolato italiano di Newark. In un momento in cui la visita del Presidente Barack Obama a Roma rilancia i già ottimi rapporti tra l'Italia e gli USA, consolidati nel tempo anche grazie alla presenza di tanti italiani...

Do you dream of a career in museum curation? Would you love to take a deep dive into the history of the Italian American experience — and shape how it is understood by others? Then you may be interested in applying for a new opportunity offered by the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF.) The Italian American Museum Fellowship will give thr...

By Frank Cahill   Joe Jannarone, President of Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 of Parsippany, and Mayor James Barberio are seen presenting gift cards to Regina Braham. Regina is the Director of Community Relations for Jersey Battered Women's Service (JBWS). Sons of Italy has been supporting the charitable needs of JBWS and other organizations f...

Una colonna sonora inedita per celebrare l'Anno della Cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti composta dal Maestro Nicola Piovani. Una partitura per orchestra sinfonica dal titolo Allegretto Made in Italy, interpretata dall'Orchestra Italiana del Cinema e realizzata con la collaborazione di: Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Ambasciata d'Italia e Istituto...

The 2013 Italia American Association of Oceans Township had one of the "best ever" events this year, according to Joe Delano, who chaired the 5-day festival. The Grand 50-50 raffle took in $35,000. The net of $17,500 was divided three ways, with 35% going to top first winner, 10% to second and 5% to third place.   Pizza eating and hot dog co...