By Craig Davis New Florida Panthers owner Vincent "Vinnie" Viola said he has one objective in mind and is willing to do what it takes to make it happen. "We are committed to provide the resources to the Florida Panthers necessary to win the Stanley Cup." Viola, a Brooklyn native who rooted for the Rangers since 1963, pointed to Thursday's signin...

Ray Mascetti use to wake up in his room inside the attic of his family's home in Torrington to the sound of his father's voice. Eager to wake up him up so he could get some work done, his father would say, in Italian, "He who sleeps, catches no fish!" Mascetti, 75, said that's one of the few Italian phrases he knows even though he doesn't spe...

L'on. Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli, e' intervenuta all'incontro annuale dei Capi degli Uffici consolari e dei Rappresentanti dei Comites e Cgie indetto dall'Ambasciatore italiano a Washington, mentre ieri ha incontrato, sempre a Washington, il Presidente del Senato italiano in visita in America, Grasso. In occasione dell'incontro odierno, che aveva pe...

Vi invitiano al primo happy hour organizzato dalla neonata SAIS Italian Society insieme SAIS Korea Club. Verranno serviti vini italiani, birra, pizza, e cibo coreano. Tutti sono benvenuti!   Venerdì, 15 novembre Ore 17:30Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies1740 Massachusetts Avenue, NW - Washington DC   Read mor...

Quattro splendidi esemplari di Stradivari – i due violini Ole Bull del 1687 e Greffuhle del 1709, la viola Herbert Axelrod del 1695 e il violoncello Marylebone del 1688 – sono stati protagonisti di uno straordinario concerto che si è tenuto a Villa Firenze, residenza dell'ambasciatore d'Italia negli Stati Uniti.   L'evento, organizzato in co...

An ancient Roman sculpture portraying a warrior just before his death is visiting Washington on its first trip outside of Italy in more than 200 years. "The Dying Gaul" went on display Thursday at the National Gallery of Art and will be there through March 16. The sculpture dates to the first or second centuries A.D.   Gallery Director...

Over one hundred young musicians from the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras' (BYSO) premier orchestra, Boston Youth Symphony (BYS) will bring to life one of the most popular operas ever written – Puccini's Tosca. A melodrama in three acts, Tosca is an opera filled with lies, lust and corruption that turns a tale of love into a struggle for survival...

The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced the retirement of Rinaldo Petrignani as president of Boeing Italy. Petrignani will continue his relationship with Boeing as a senior counselor and is succeeded by Antonio De Palmas effective April 15.   De Palmas, 48, will be responsible for coordinating all company business activities in Italy a...

By Raanan Geberer   It is tempting to make a comparison between 1930s and '40s-era Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia and new Mayor Bill de Blasio.   Both are considered "outsiders" who were not part of the political machine, both are Italian-American, and both were considered left of center, although a hard-core leftist would certainly contest...

Dear Friends,On behalf of the Board of Trustees of The American Italian Heritage Association and Museum, we invite you to join us and lend your support to our Fifth Annual Wall of Fame Gala on March 28, 2014 at Glen Sanders Mansion in Scotia, NY. Every dollar raised at this event will go towards the general fund and to help with the upkeep and main...

Sergio Marchionne said Tuesday that his hope is to see his Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) listed on New York's premier stock market on October 1, but acknowledged there is still much work to be done.   Still, the chief executive officer of the combined Italian-American group, who realized an earlier dream of creating an international auto p...

E' stato ricordato a Palermo, a Piazza Marina il 105/mo anniversario dell'omicidio di Joe Petrosino, il luogotenente della Polizia di New York, ucciso a Palermo dalla mafia il 12 marzo del 1909. Al giardino Garibaldi di Piazza Marina, dove il super poliziotto italo americano fu ucciso, verrà deposta una corona di alloro alla presenza del sindaco di...