Lorenzo Bonomo, professore ordinario di Radiologia all'Università Cattolica di Roma, diventa Socio Onorario della RSNA, la Società di Radiologia del Nord America, che riunisce oltre 54.000 membri provenienti da 136 Paesi del mondo.   L'importante riconoscimento gli è stato conferito il 30 novembre, a Chicago, in occasione del 101° Congresso...

by Valerio Viale   Peppe Voltarelli, a Calabrian folk singer-songwriter, with a musical career spanning over twenty-five years and two prestigious "Tenco Awards" under his belt, has been touring campuses across the States to present his latest book + CD, Peppe Voltarelli sings Profazio.   He has been sharing this multimedia journey wi...

EVERY winter, town squares all over Europe are filled by the hum of Christmas choirs. Towns in northern Italy follow this tradition too, but with a twist. Singers abandon Santa costumes in favour of the distinctive feathered hats of the Alpini, tough soldiers mostly recruited from remote Alpine villages. The Alpini repertoire is different too. Chri...

La Regione Calabria e l'Unioncamere hanno pubblicato una "MANIFESTAZIONE DI INTERESSE", rivolta alle aziende dell'agroalimentare calabrese, a partecipare al 37° GALA ANNUALE della National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), che si terrà a Washington, Hilton Hotel, i giorni 12 e 13 ottobre 2012.La Regione Calabria, Dipartimento Internazionalizzazio...

Families traditionally gather around the table during the holiday season. Tradition for the Zoppé family, however, means gathering around the circus ring. The Zoppé Family Circus, founded in Italy in 1842 by Napoleone and Ermengilda Zoppé, has been passed down through the generations and still is going strong. It starts an 11-day run Wednesday, De...

Italian food and Sicilian food come with a lot of flavor and style, which represents the lifestyles of both Italians and Sicilians. Many people think of them as one in the same, but Sicilians practice many customs that differ from their mainland Italian countrymen. These differences include food. Sicilians use a lot of fish in their everyday diet,...

Geraldine Ferraro, who earned her place in history as the first woman and first Italian-American to run on a major party presidential ticket died on the same day that Nancy Pelosi, the first woman and first Italian-American to be Speaker of the House was born, March 26.   In response to her passing in 2011, New York City public advocate Bill...

Dear friends from Indianapolis and vicinity. On June 14-15, 2013 I will have the pleasure to be the special culinary guest at the Indianapolis Festa Italiana. I'm so excited to be part of this wonderful event and look forward to come to your city. However, to make the event even more exciting, I will be needing a Nonna to cook with me on stage. Wh...

Il Consolato d'Italia a Detroit ha diffuso ieri una nota con cui comunica che il corrispondente consolare a Louisville (Kentucky), dottore Marco Capuano, ha rinunciato all'incarico, conferitogli nell'ottobre 2011 dal Console pro tempore, Marco Nobili.

di Vittorio Capotorto   Il mio Maestro Eduardo De Filippo, parlando della variopinta natura umana, in riferimento ad alcuni personaggi "originali" delle sue commedie, mi ripeteva spesso: "È la natura, 'chi nasce 'e na manera e chi 'e n'ata" (chi nasce in una maniera e chi in un'altra). Bè, devo subito dire che Tony Del Gatto è effettiva...

Chronicles of an American Journey 1961   Two striking documents retrace the artistic and professional fellowship between Lucio Fontana and Ezio Gribaudo. In the background, the metallic city of New York is the inspiration for new spatial concepts... In 1961 Lucio Fontana was fascinated by the New York atmosphere. He was there for an exhibit...

Convivio Center kicks off Venerdi Convivio on the first and third Friday evenings of each month at Convivio Center, Little Italy's sparkling new center of art, culture, and history. Italian tenor Rosario Monetti will take center stage, treating guests to a live cabaret performance showcasing his versatile vocal artistry. Internationally acclaimed a...