Un concerto a ottobre fra i massicci di giaccio della Patagonia, un tour a febbraio di 35 date, coast to coast negli Usa, "tornando anche a suonare in locali, muovendomi con grossi pullman e solo con un quartetto di musicisti, e poi un tour di quattro date in Giappone". Lo annuncia con l'emozione di un esordiente Zucchero, già pronto a nuove sfide...

by Greg Campbell Denver's Fox 31 reported a potentially explosive story over the weekend — that local sheriff's deputies detained the president of Italian shotgun maker Perazzi as a possible terrorist after a tipoff from a taxi driver who had dropped the businessman off at a gun show with several shotguns.   There's just one problem: The st...

La cucina italiana negli States da oltre vent'anni ha un'illustre ambasciatrice che porta le nostre ricette nelle case di milioni di americani. La storia è quella di Mary Ann Esposito, creatrice e conduttrice della serie TV su PBS, "Ciao Italia con Mary Ann Esposito", nome tra i più celebri negli Stati Uniti. A lei la città di Forlimpopoli consegne...

This week, the Embassy of Italy hosted the Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC Annual Scholarship Awards Presentation. Lorry Clavelli, the Scholarship Co-Chairman, organized an elegant affair with catering provided by Oro Pomodoro and a focus on celebrating the scholarship recipients. The club's President, Philip F. Finelli, Jr., welcomed the attende...

E' riconducibile ai mercati extra-Ue la crescita considerevole della spesa turistica dell'Italia nel 2012 che, secondo i dati della Banca d'Italia, ha fatto segnare un introito di 32 miliardi di euro, con un incremento del 3,8% rispetto all'anno precedente. Ai vertici della classifica figurano i Paesi Bric dove si registra in forte ascesa la spesa...

O-I Manufacturing Italy, azienda leader mondiale nella progettazione e produzione di contenitori in vetro per alimenti e bevande, tra il 2014 e il 2015 investira' 50 milioni di euro per l'ammodernamento tecnologico del sito produttivo di Villotta di Chions (Pordenone), finalizzato alla riduzione dell'impatto ambientale e al risparmio energetico dei...

The day after the All-Star Game 5K in Prospect Park, the Federation of Italian-American Organizations of Queens held their 25th annual 2013 5K Run/Walk Against Drug Abuse in Astoria. Although this event did not draw the nearly 5,000 runners that the All-Star Game race did, it certainly did attract a dedicated community, from local running groups to...

By Mauro Battocchi Are you looking for the opportunity to develop an exciting technology enterprise or new business?   If so, take a look at Technology Launch Program 2013, an exciting opportunity offered by the Istituto Italiano Imprenditorialità that will bring successful applicants for a week to Silicon Valley this fall to learn how to c...

The popular D'Amico's Italian Market Café, a 16-year-old mainstay of Rice Village, is heading west to Katy, Texas, for its second location. Owners Nash D'Amico and Brina D'Amico Donaldson and Larry Martin and Edgar Carlson of HUSA Management, Inc. have announced that they are readying a 193-seat restaurant space in the Phase II portion of the expan...

by Philip Warren   With the recent closure of two local Italian restaurants, Luca and Bocconcini, Wichitans are left with fewer choices for getting a pasta fix. One of the remaining options is Marchello's, a family-run operation on South Seneca. While it does not replace the upscale menus that Luca and Bocconcini offered, it serves up s...

By Glenn Avolio Italian genealogy seminar and workshop will meet Oct. 12 and is one of the events featured during October's Family History Month. This is a joint offering by the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society and the Santa Barbara Chapter of Unico (an Italian word meaning unique, dedicated to community service and Italian heritage). T...

In recognition of National Pizza Month this October, Birra Moretti USA is giving fans a chance to win the Ultimate Pizza Experience. The grand prize winner will receive a three day, two night trip to enjoy the best pizza New York City has to offer. The trip for two includes an Ultimate Pizza Crawl to authentic pizzerias that feature Birra Moretti,...