To remember the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, NIAF is recognizing Italian Americans who sacrificed, served and defended peace, freedom and democracy during the war, using the tag #IAWW2Heroes on social media. This entry is a special submission from Frank Benimeo’s daughter, Maria B. Silvia, who has shared with us her father’s story o...

Un gesto di solidarietà ma anche un aiuto concreto verso la propria “terra madre”, da parte di quelle famiglie di emigranti che non hanno mai smesso di amare il proprio paese natio. Ecco il motivo per cui i soci e simpatizzanti di Filitalia hanno deciso di creare un fondo speciale denominato “Italy in Crisis” per supportare le istituzioni che hanno...

How history is taught in our public schools is a serious matter. As a child develops into an adult, the ability to hold rational public discourse using factual references as supporting data becomes an important skill. The ability to sort out truth from disinformation is a powerful asset, but children cannot develop that ability when their public sc...

Like a modern entrepreneur, fifteenth-century explorer, Christopher Columbus, raised capital for an expedition to discover a western passage to Asia. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 placed control of the land routes to the lucrative Asian spice trade in Ottoman-Turk hands. Columbus first proposed the Atlantic Ocean route to Joao II of Portugal i...

MONDAY, August 24 | 6:00 P.M. EST. NIAF Relief Efforts -- Post-Earthquake Norcia with Dr. Richard Mollica. Register here. On August 24th and October 30th in 2016, two devastating earthquakes struck Central Italy killing 297 Italian villagers, dislocating tens of thousands, and destroying areas of Norcia's ancient village. NIAF raised $450,000 throu...

In this week’s episode of the Italian American Podcast, we’re picking up with Part Two of our “Conversations on Columbus” series exploring the life and legacy of Christopher Columbus and we’re starting right from the beginning! As we set out to find truth in the current debates around the famed Genovese navigator, we’re seeking to understand just w...

Friday, August 21, 2020. 5.30 pm - 7.00 pm EDT. 75 minutes lecture, 15 minutes Q & A. The webinar will take place online through Google Meet. The webinar is $10 for all Filitalia members and non members. RSVP is required, so please reserve your ticket online. REGISTER NOW Join Angela Cacciarru and the history about the birth of Reinassance in Firen...

After four entertaining episodes featuring the likes of Frank Catalanotto, Anthony Iapoce,Mike Napoli, John Franco, Lee Mazzilli, and L.J. Mazzilli, the Italian American Baseball Foundation (IABF) Spaghetti & Baseballs Facebook Live Series present a very special episode number five with IABF Ambassador Bobby Valentine. Deeply committed to the growt...

"Il Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero esprime la propria profonda solidarietà e il totale sostegno a tutte le rappresentanze elette e alle associazioni delle comunità italiane e italo-discendenti negli Stati Uniti, colpite dagli atti di sfregio delle statue di Cristoforo Colombo, monumenti simbolo del contributo della nostra emigrazione...

Con immensa tristezza annunciamo la scomparsa del Professor Salvatore Rotella, avvenuta a New York la notte tra l’11 e il 12 agosto. Nato a Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Messina) nel 1934 e cresciuto ad Asmara, Eritrea, Rotella arrivò dall’Italia negli USA nel dicembre del 1951. Dopo la laurea alla CUNY, il PhD all’Università di Chicago e il ritorno...

They were one of the first American fraternal societies not to prohibit black membership in their constitution. During World War I, with the slogan “Everybody Welcome, Everything Free” atop their doors, they managed the only racially integrated facilities available to American troops, three decades before the U.S. military integrated its ranks. And...

Join us Sunday, August 23 at 11:30 a.m. CDT, for the first episode of Il Salotto degli Artisti. This exclusive monthly event offers a unique opportunity to take a peek into the life and studios of contemporary local artists in Florence. Learn More. Online Event - Registration is required. Free or with suggested donation to support our programming I...