Lucio Dalla’s house-museum, on Via D’Azeglio in Bologna, was re-opened to the public in November 2018 and can now be visited every Friday, thanks to the “Ci vediamo da Lucio!” (“See you at Lucio’s”) initiative. It is one of the fruits of a collaboration between the Lucio Dalla Foundation and the Municipality of Bologna. Dalla passed away in 2012 bu...

"Non solo reddito di cittadinanza. Le nuove generazioni sono una realtà da primato nell'inventarsi il lavoro con 560mila imprese condotte da under 35 che collocano l'Italia ai vertici dell'Unione Europea in termini di numero di giovani imprenditori". E' quanto emerge dallo studio su "I giovani italiani che creano lavoro" presentato in occasione del...

Villa della Torre Allegrini is located in Fumane, in the province of Verona. Immersed in Valpolicella – an area known for its excellent wines – it is indeed surrounded by the Palazzo della Torre vineyard, eponym of the wine included in “Wine Spectator”’s Top 100 for several years. The residence’s layout resembles that of a Roman domus, with a centr...

La Basilica di San Pietro, la più grande delle quattro basiliche papali di Roma e culla del cattolicesimo, risplende di nuova luce. Alcuni se ne sono accorti, per esempio in occasione della messa della Vigilia di Natale, ma senza avere i dettagli e senza sapere, nello specifico, chi, cosa e come avessero cambiato pelle all’edificio a cui hanno lavo...

Si é tenuta il 25 gennaio a New York l’inaugurazione dell’edizione 2019 del New York  Times Travel Show. Al taglio del nastro, in prima fila, la Puglia, presente per la prima volta alla più importante fiera turistica del Nord America. Con uno stand di 36mq, completamente brandizzato con le immagini più suggestive di paesaggi e monumenti pugliesi, l...

For Italian bluegrass music ensemble Red Wine, the analogy with culinary excellence is too good to ignore, and to learn how the ensemble determined their name shows that it isn’t fanciful. Mandolin player Martino Coppo, who started by playing the guitar at the age of 13, shares this account, revealing the derivation of the band name …  “One night t...

Italiani in America, è una commedia musicale sull’emigrazione dei nostri connazionali provenienti soprattutto dal sud dell’Italia nei primi del ‘900. Fu un esodo colossale che vide oltre 14 milioni di italiani emigrare verso le Americhe. Questo è il tema portante dello spettacolo che andrà in scena domenica 27 gennaio 2019 alle ore 20.00 presso l’A...

It is called “pizzo” in mafia jargon, the amount of money forcibly and regularly extorted from traders by organized crime. Basically, almost all those who have a shop or any kind of commercial activity are forced to pay a “tax” to local mobsters. Otherwise, intimidation, physical violence or serious damage to facilities are the unavoidable conseque...

There was once a brief meeting in a hospital with a fan who talked Formula One and Ferrari with him over a cup of coffee. When he saw the man later that day, sobbing and holding a small child, Zanardi offered him comfort. The man was crying tears of joy. His daughter, born without legs, had been fitted for her first pair of prosthetics that day. Wh...

People in Naples have a spectacularly blasé attitude towards Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend series. Known as the Neapolitan Chronicles to the rest of the world, the four books recount the decades long friendship of two young Neapolitan women as their town recovers from war, grapples with the camorra, suffers municipal neglect, political strif...

Milan is gearing up to pay tribute to Leonardo da Vinci on the 500th anniversary of his death with a series of events as part of the 'Milano Leonardo 500' programme, which was presented in London on January 18. Italian Ambassador to the UK Raffaele Trombetta and London Deputy Mayor for Culture Justine Simons both attended the presentation.  One of...

The charm and mystery of Venice always attracted the attention of many visitors. Enchanted by its beauty, most of them hope to visit unique Venice again. Distance can be an issue, but for some citizens of the world, things are easier than for others, because they may live near one of Venice’s “sisters in beauty,” cities that, because of their confo...