It’s National Cappuccino Day

Nov 08, 2024 147

Cappuccino, a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed and frothed milk, is celebrated today with National Cappuccino Day. About one-third of cappuccino is espresso, with the other two-thirds being milk. Cappuccino is usually served in a steam-heated porcelain cup and is sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon or cocoa powder.

Coffee shops, both local and national, as well as companies that sell coffee and coffee-making equipment, often organize deals and specials in honor of National Cappuccino Day. Cappuccino takes its name from the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, who wore reddish-brown hooded frocks — similar in the color of cappuccino — and were nicknamed “cappuccini,” because cappuccio means “hood” in Italian. 

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