The Barking Tomato is a Basket Case (in a good way) at Angela’s Pasta and Cheese Shop

Dec 17, 2019 716

BY: Carolyn Choate

One early December morning well-spent in Manchester and my foodie Christmas list is all but wrapped up! In beautiful baskets with festive cellophane. Ready to ship across the city or across the country. 

At Angela’s Pasta and Cheese Shop, 815 Chestnut St., there’s una gran quantita – that’s “oodles” in Italian – of imported gourmet Italian specialty foods like cheeses, pastas, dried-salamis, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, olives, wine, and, of course, entire shelving units devoted to holiday sweets decked out like jewels in pretty little boxes.  Biscotti, miniature panettones, anise cookies. Oh, my!

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