The ancient craft of Italian traditional bakery will conquer the city of Angels

Apr 19, 2019 454


Pasta, pane, pizza, focaccia… the crown of the realm of carbs is certainly held by Italian bakers, who made miracles, for centuries, with just some water, flour, yeast and salt. Since the times of the Roman Empire bread and all its derivates literally ruled the Italian tables, becoming a kind of signature product of our cultural traditions all over the planet. 

Even during these peculiar times of gluten-free, natural-wheat, super-healthy, alternative-diet trends, many modern nutritionists have been clearly able to recognize the valuable contribute that the Italian traditional bakery brought to the whole world: developing to perfection something that has been the true foundation of our ancestors’ daily diet. In fact now more than ever the American people are craving to discover some of the finest Italian bakery products, made by the ones who inherited that precious knowledge from generations of food artisans. 

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