Two-part series at Pueblo Union Depot explores centuries of Italian American history

Nov 15, 2022 760

BY: James Bartolo

"Topics in Italian American Studies," a free two-night seminar series at Pueblo Union Depot, 132 W. B St., will explore the Italian-American experience from periods of mass emigration to the present. Marianna Gatto, executive director and cofounder of the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles, will lead the series in partnership with Colorado State University Pueblo on Tuesday, Nov. 15 and Thursday, Nov. 17.

Both seminars are open to the general public and CSU Pueblo students — who may receive credit for attendance by providing their student ID number. From 6:30-9 p.m. both nights, lectures and discussions will explore various topics including the forces leading to mass emigration from Italy, discrimination, demographic shifts and the contributions of Italian immigrants to American culture. There will be a 20-minute break period at 7:30 p.m. both nights.

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