Le autorita' statunitensi hanno lanciato la "Request for Proposals" per l'individuazione di un partner privato che possa essere incaricato della raccolta dei fondi privati necessari alla realizzazione del padiglione statunitense ad Expo Milano 2015.
Il bando e' pubblico e puo' essere consultato all'indirizzo www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-07-29/pdf/2013-18171.pdf.
The National Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools(National CO...
The Department of Italian invites you to a lecture by Fulvio S. Orsitto who is an Associat...
by Claudia Astarita Expo Training Observatory is the first Italian fair of traini...
Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni will say in a speech to the Center for Strategic and Inter...
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington will be presenting "Aida,"...
The Italian Cultural Society held its Gala Awards Dinner 2022 “Beyond the Runway” at the I...
by Tiziano Thomas Dossena On Monday, October 19, in the Legislative Chambers of t...
Sometimes the greatest act of love is letting go. La traviata follows the life of Violetta...