The role that immigrant and first generation Italian women played in the workforce before 1960 is not well-documented. Aside from such dramatic and tragic stories such as the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, immigrant women and their daughters have not been given sufficient credit for their role in America's factories and canneries.   Less known, a...

  WTI Magazine #54    2015 February, 20Author :      Translation by:   Italy is the birthplace of opera, and of numerous worldwide known and loved composers: Paganini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Puccini, Mascagni, Monteverdi, Salieri, Tartini, Vivaldi, and so on. No less numerous are the international composers that have been inspired...

After several years of fundraising, seeking in-kind donors and city approval, and project managing the construction, Little Italy San Jose is ready for the unveiling ceremony of its 31 foot Little Italy Arch. The unveiling ceremony will take place on Friday, March 27th at 6:00 PM, and the celebration will continue until 9:00 PM. The unveiling...

In 1882 a group of 11 Italians came to the United States from Roseto, Italy and found work in an area of Pennsylvania that later become known as the town of Roseto. Relatives of these immigrants followed and settled in the same area. By the early 1900s the town was flourishing and a near exact replica of the Roseto, Italy they had left behind. And...

di Riccardo Luna   Cos'è l'innovazione? E' una invenzione, è un brevetto, è una startup? Io credo che l'innovazione abbia soprattutto a che fare con la felicità. Secondo me possiamo parlare davvero di innovazione solo quando qualcosa migliora davvero la vita delle persone. Mai come in questa epoca, per effetto del progresso della tecnologia...

I confess that I would have liked to have been present for the laying of the first stone of the Royal Palace of Caserta. According to the chronicles of the time, it was a spectacular event. The year was 1752. The chosen date was January 20, a Thursday, coinciding with the 36th birthday of King Charles III of Bourbon.   A large number of...

When the paradigm of modernist architecture crumbled, urbanists began a quest for credible alternatives that often took them to the streets and squares of old Italian cities. Deciphering the code of Italy's thriving public life became a process of redemption from the sterilizing over-rationalization of the urban landscape that had been carried out...

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) leadership is proud to announce its newest scholarship in partnership with Accademia Teatro alla Scala, one of the most renowned institutions for training professionals in the performing arts, and Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business (MIP), an internationally recognized management school....

By Brian Spyros   The Front Street that exists in Hartford now is in stark contrast to what it was more than 100 years ago. "I'm a sentimentalist. I like the old style, the old times," said Paul Margolfo, who grew up in an Italian-American family not far from Front Street. He was one of many people who called the capital city home. &nb...

By James Beaty Larry Giaudrone and Rosemary Benedetto's road to the Italian Festival began when both of their grandparents emigrated to the United States. While Giaudrone's grandfather worked in the coal mines in the McAlester and Krebs areas, both sets of Benedetto's grandparents moved to north Texas, where they became cotton farmers.  ...

Chicago, June 3, 6.30 PMNel nordest dell'Italia, il Tagliamento scorre dalle Alpi al Mare Adriatico.Questo documentario poetico ne segue il corso maestoso e le popolazioni,ricche di spirito e di storie che vivono lungo le sue rive. In italiano con sottotitoli in inglese. Copresentato dall'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e Cinema/Chicagonell'ambit...

by Pam Mastriano   The Italian Cultural center of Western Massachusetts, Inc. will honor ten high school seniors who will receive Italian Cultural Center Scholarships on Monday, June 15, at St. Anne Country Club, 781 Shoemaker Lane in the Feeding Hills section.   The Italian Cultural Center Scholarships, sponsored by ICC members, the...