Welcome to the Italia-America Bocce Club

Feb 16, 2015 1626

The St. Louis Bocce Club officially began to function in 1975 at 5627 Manchester Avenue. However, for several years its original group obscurely placed bocce at "John and Rose's on the Hill". Their camaraderie, keen pleasure in singing together, and many good times gave birth to the idea of forming a club of their own! Enthusiasm grew to a high pitch and the decision was made to organize a small group under the name "The St. Louis Bocce Club".

One cold, Sunday morning, after the 9 o'clock Mass, Aldo Della Croce escorted a group to Manchester Avenue to look over the place of their future home. Everyone exclaimed "Are you kidding! This is it!! Aldo, you must be out of your wits if you think we can convert this shack to a place to play bocce!"

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Source: http://stlbocce.com/

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