Prosecutor Joseph Coronato to receive the New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission Award

Oct 07, 2017 1045

We are pleased to announce that Prosecutor Joseph Coronato has been selected to receive the New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission Award for his contributions to our community that exemplify the virtues of our shared heritage: hard work, dedication to social causes, helping those in need, and his outstanding accomplishments in the field of law.

NJIHC Vision: The New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission (NJIHC) raises public awareness of the rich and varied culture, positive achievements and traditions of Italy, the Italian people, and Italian Americans as they have all contributed to American and world civilizations.

The more than two million descendants of Italian immigrants in New Jersey form a vast, untapped reservoir for the development of leadership talent. Sharing a common purpose, they are the driving force behind the work and goals of the Commission.

NJIHC engages in the development, support and production of educational programs, forums, seminars, publications and exchanges for schools and private/public sector audiences throughout the state. The Commission brings long overdue recognition to Italian accomplishments that have improved the quality of life for all, be it in the sciences, the arts, technology, medicine, law, literature, philosophy, or trade and commerce.

NJIHC is always looking to increase its membership with people of all ages who love their Italian roots and wish to preserve their traditions and values while at the same time honoring their lives here in America.

SOURCE: Robert DiBiase

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