Newark Street Dedicated to Frankie Valli

Apr 28, 2023 1085

BY: Michele Amabile

Frankie Valli worked his way to Newark, New Jersey for the dedication of a street in his honor. Valli, 88, joined Newark and Essex County officials, along with the New Jersey Hall of Fame for the ceremony, which was held just around the corner from where he grew up. The ceremony took place on the Eve of Vallie’s show at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center as part of a 23-city tour.

“My family and I moved to Stephen Crane Village, Newark’s first low-income housing project, when I was six. Each unit was self-contained, like a garden apartment, and had two bedrooms and a bathroom, with real hardwood floors, steam heat, and hot and cold running water. I remember at the time thinking we were rich and couldn’t believe we got to live there" said Valli.

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