The Religious Landscape of Etruria: new discoveries and interpretations

Apr 12, 2015 888

April 16 | 5:30 p.m. | Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium, UC Berkeley

Speaker/Performer: Ingrid Edlund-Berry, University of Texas at Austin
Sponsor: Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, Graduate Group in

For many centuries the Tuscan landscape has provided the setting for hilltop cities and towns, undulating hills covered with olive trees or vineyards, and rivers and roads that provide avenues for trade and travels between the coast and the inland.

The landscape was important to the Etruscans, but for reasons that may escape us unless we are willing to see what we look at and to develop a sensitivity for the importance of sacred places throughout ancient Etruria. Thanks to literary sources and abundant archaeological evidence it is possible, although not always easy, to recreate the religious landscape created by the Etruscans, with sacred mountains and caves, springs and lakes, combined with elaborate urban and extra—urban sanctuaries with temples and altars.

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