We The Italians | Italian innovation: Eco - mobility, cosmetics, co-working spaces & 24 hour book-athons!

Italian innovation: Eco - mobility, cosmetics, co-working spaces & 24 hour book-athons!

Italian innovation: Eco - mobility, cosmetics, co-working spaces & 24 hour book-athons!

  • WTI Magazine #112 Feb 16, 2019
  • 1276

Regarding innovation and "best green practice policies and procedures", one must be aware of the fact that such phenomena are coming to life more than ever in Italy, and at the same time worldwide. 

Starting from eco-practices in the sector of mobility, to procedures used by bio-medical companies or in the field of cosmetics, researchers, scientists and Italian developers are making great strides for what concerns green innovation for a better future.

Mr. Marco Astorri and Mr. Guy Cicognani, for example, two great innovators of Italian origin, created Bio-On, an all Italian innovative company which was first – among many - to find a solution to creating biologically biodegradable bioplastics, as well as to patent new bio-technologies used in cosmetics – for example such as biodegradable micro-pearls – mainly used in a diverse basis of high end cosmetic products.

The Italian bio innovation revolution is real!

In the sector of  eco conscious mobility and transport, in the beautiful region of Emilia Romagna and specifically in Bologna, incentives are being offered, through an app, to all those who choose to walk or ride a bike instead of using their car , so as to promote to the local community, the idea and the practice - in reality - of being more aware of the necessity to reduce cars’ Co2 emissions.

In Bologna, Italy, Mr. Marco Amadori had a brilliant idea to try and encourage "eco- travel". All those who download the above mentioned app, also called "Bella Mossa", users of any age, can take advantage of rewards for walking, such as of free movie tickets, ice creams, and even free beer! To redeem tickets or rewards, one must merely pick using a bike, walk or ride a bus, over using a car.

Accumulating points by walking through this app, makes these eco-sustainable practices nearly a game, with the reward of a real prize obtained thanks to the exchange of goods and services due to local companies’ support who believe in the initiative and in supporting eco-friendly causes.

Mr. Amadori clearly identified a need in the market, which is that of highlighting the absolute need to counteract against air pollution. As many forget, air pollution is due to carbon dioxide emissions, among other causes, that makes up for 84% of the air we breathe. Sadly, such pollution leads to or can cause serious damage to all living creature’s health.

To fight such phenomena Bella Mossa app worked on the creation of new technology  apt to study and analyze the amount of energy that we use on daily individual activities, so as to create a  real consciousness on how we move, what we do and how we could be more efficient and ecological in our acts, and also reduce our so called “pollution patterns” by taking proactive lifestyle steps to have better health and promote real eco-practices.

In the US, in Italy and around the world, thanks to "bike sharing" ops, the creation of countless cyclable tracks, and other worldwide incentives to walk or take buses more, one can tell that the eco-conscious effort is not a mere idea, but rather real and authentic action.  

Innovation and creativity have been moving forward not only in the field of eco-cosmetics, or eco-mobility, but also in the field of proactive promotion of reading and information sharing.

In Italy the first Mondadori bookstore with doors open round the clock has just started its activities: students and all readers, of all ages alike, can rest – even sleep - in this innovative and all-inclusive book-store. This is an ingenious idea, as there should not be a limit on the amount of time spent reading or enriching one’s culture or desire to expand one’s knowledge. Similar bookstores have now opened in Switzerland, France and Japan, we will see if there will be an outlet also in the USA.

Creative apps apt to promote proactive movement and innovative ideas that give incentives to all to read more, along with the use of new, hip and trendy co-working spaces, are the phenomena’s that are creating and shaping the patterns of behavior of the future generations.

In Italy and worldwide there is a new eco-trend of using co-working spaces, for offices, instead of old fashioned and outdated working spaces. WeWork, an American co-working space company, has created such an unparalleled experience, as to expand operations into the Bel Paese also.

WeWork offers shared workspaces to diverse professionals, creating a unique environment where less if more, reducing the use of printer cartridges, and office waste and promoting proactive recycling practices. Such spaces not only promote eco-friendly practices and reduce overall office waste material, but also create a sense of community among its members, to support all similar causes and a proactive movement in the use of eco-friendly business practices.   

From green mobile apps to the promotion of 24-hours bookstores, to the creation of more eco-office spaces, waste reduction, and a sense of “green” consciousness and knowledge sharing, is growing from the Coasts of Italy to the Coasts of the US.

 We must applaud all those innovators in Italy, in the US and worldwide, who are pushing for growth of eco-awareness and knowledge sharing: not just a chic trend, but rather a true necessity in order to have a brighter, better, healthier lifestyle, for all generations to come and for the future in general.