"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world," goes a saying often attributed to Marilyn Monroe. M.Gemi, a 15-month-old e-commerce startup, has taken this proposition one step further: Sell beautiful, well-crafted, high-end shoes online without the luxury price tag, and you can conquer the girl. Armed with a team of data scientists,...

Today, Federica Guidi, Minister of Economic Development, was at Luiss EnLabs to announce Italia Startup Visa, a program to incentivize innovative entrepreneurs from all over the world to start up their business in Italy!   Italia Startup Visa means leaner and faster procedures to facilitate the entry visa approval for autonomous work for ext...

Le buone notizie che accompagnano l'inizio del 2014 non si sono fatte attendere per quel che riguarda il mondo delle startup italiane. Watchup, una azienda di video news che veicola notizie da importanti testate giornalistiche su un'applicazione scaricabile su tablet e sui Google Glass, ha appena annunciato un finanziamento da un milione di dollari...

di Camilla Pisani   Ieri città simbolo della sharing economy, grazie al lancio di piattaforme come Airbnb, oggi capofila di una battaglia legale che mira a restringere gli affitti a breve termine. Il discusso referendum di San Francisco sulla Proposition F, proposta di legge per limitare gli affitti fino a 75 giorni all'anno, ha avuto esito...

by Claudia Astarita Digital Magics, the famous Italian startups incubator, has recently presented the so called White Paper to identify new strategies to promote and spread innovation in the country. It essentially stands as a proposal to the Italian government, articulated in several points.   Among them, worth to be mentioned are the...

Un biocarburante in grado di far volare un aereo. Un passo importante verso l'utilizzo delle piante per carburanti eco sostenibili. L'azienda italiana Sunchem ha collaborato con South African Airways (SAA), Boeing, SkyNrg e Rsb per realizzare energie verdi, alternative e rinnovabili grazie ad una pianta di tabacco.   Una pianta di...

by Mauro Battocchi   Neuronguard, the transformational Italian startup company that works to prevent Acute Brain Damage, won the Intel Business Challenge in the category "Internet of Things Hardware". As many readers know, the Internet of Things is a rapidly expanding new area of high technology that has both fierce competition and huge gree...

di Alessandra Troncana   Almeno tu, nell'universo (e sulla navicella spaziale). Tra le scocciature degli astronauti, oltre al cibo precotto, c'è l'igiene orale: pare che il problema sia stato risolto. Al prossimo viaggio nello spazio, Samantha Cristoforetti e soci si laveranno i denti con Iko, lo spazzolino che si indossa come un guanto. &n...

From September the 28th to October the 5th, Rome will be embedded by an all-encompassing debate on innovation, "with topics ranging from Open Hardware to Social Innovation and Democracy, from City Makers in the Collaborative Economy to Open Data and Impact Finance".   Experts and leaders in innovation, including coders, hackers, and financer...

Italy is known worldwide for its "Made in Italy" fashion, food, design and fast cars. Those who are active in the manufacturing sectors also know that Italy is one of the largest and most reliable producer of industrial machinery. What not many know yet is that Italy is strong also in the field of information technology, including artificial intell...