Why Seattle Opera’s ‘Tosca’ is worth staying indoors for

Jun 23, 2021 550

BY: Gemma Alexander

The end of opera season always competes with outdoor activities that can feel more appealing as the winter gray finally gives way to summer weather. And as we emerge from pandemic restrictions, a June opera stream is a particularly hard sell. Even so, it’s worth blocking out two hours to watch Seattle Opera’s “Tosca,” streaming June 25-27. 

You’ve probably never seen an opera like this, and you may not get another chance to. Seattle Opera converted into a film studio during the pandemic to produce streaming performances. “Tosca” is Seattle Opera’s second site-specific opera film (after “Flight,” filmed at the Museum of Flight), and possibly its last; the company returns to live, in-person performances at McCaw Hall in the fall.

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SOURCE: https://www.seattletimes.com

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