Carlo Calenda is the Italian Vice Minister for the Economic Development, and this is his first experience in politics. This column is not used to interview Italian political figures, but we perceive him as someone who is completely different from the Italian political standard. He is young and competent; he has already played an important role in t...

The Bronx has been home of many Italians during the XX century. It is impossible, for those who are interested in knowing the history of the Italian American community, to ignore this New York borough; as it is impossible not to feel Italy in Arthur Avenue, that somebody calls "the real Little Italy". It is here that we've met John Calvelli, now E...

During my last trip to the US, thanks to my good friends Roberta and Robert DiBiase I had the opportunity to meet a wonderful Italian American woman, who is a true icon for the community in New Jersey: Gilda Rorro Baldassari. I found very interesting and important to start this new year offering our readers the story of this proud Italian personal...

One of the most important and powerful fields of the American society, what we can generally call "the judiciary system", has seen and sees a very large number of successful Italian Americans. This is very important, because it means that not only they were able to reach economic success and make money, as we've already seen; but that they also gai...

New York is no doubt the State with the highest number of Italian Americans in the country. Nevertheless, even if almost everybody seems to be interested just in New York City, in Upstate New York there is a huge Italian American population. In Albany, the Capital city of the Empire State, about 150 miles north to Manhattan there is plenty of them...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a complex structure that provides a huge amount of services in the name and on behalf of the Italian state and of the Italian citizens, either living in Italy and abroad. The Ministry is also called "Farnesina" from the name of the land where it was built, called Orti della Farnesina because it belonged to Pope Pa...

If the American Dream has always meant "to make it" on one's own merits, if millions of Italians went to America first for survival and then for success, if the result of the work of our fellow citizens has always been admired in the U.S., the union between Italian entrepreneurs and the United States cannot but constitute an important part of our j...

After a break, RAI has resumed the broadcasting of a show produced for and dedicated to the Italians abroad. RAI is an important resource for many Italian in the world to stay in touch with Italy, and having a tv show for them, in addition to the normal schedule of programs broadcasted in the world but made for Italians who live in Italy, is crucia...

The first Chambers of Commerce appeared in the eighteenth century in the territory which later would be institutionally called Italy. After the unification of Italy, the Chambers formed an organization that would organize and represent them nationally, which has since come a long way, as did the Chambers of Commerce and the companies affiliated to...

Music has always had a crucial importance for the Italians in America. As a sentiment of strong attachment to the mother land and its traditions, or as a channel to express their passion; as a vehicle for revenge due to the success of the opera and then to the affirmation of the Italian artistic talent, from the Italian crooners of the 40s and the...

There are many ways to analyze the contribution of the Italian Americans to the society, the economy, the culture, the greatness of the United States. One of these ways is celebrating those who have given their talent and their hard work to build monuments known and loved by every American, and not only by the Americans. There's an Italian who con...

Sulla costa est, più su di New York c'è un'area dove furono e sono tantissimi gli italiani che sbarcarono e ancora oggi si trasferiscono. E' l'area del New England, che proprio in questo periodo è ancora più bella grazie ai magnifici diversi colori che si possono trovare nei tanti meravigliosi luoghi in cui la natura americana si mostra in tutta la...