Unusual Ways to Celebrate St. Valentine's Day in Italy

Feb 11, 2021 652

BY: Myra Robinson

Probably the first thing people think about when Valentine's Day is mentioned is a loving couple, and Italy has the most famous couple of all, Romeo and Juliet. The city of the 'star crossed lovers', Verona, makes a romantic destination, but this most obvious of romantic places in Italy is actually rather disappointing. 'Juliet's house' (she never existed) is in an attractive courtyard and dates back to the 13th century apart from the addition of a balcony added in the 1930s.

The tackiness comes from the thousands of notes, letters and graffiti left there by tourists. This unsightly mess has now been tidied a little with boards for messages instead of defacing the walls. In front of the house is a statue of Juliet: it's considered good luck to stroke her right breast which has become very shiny as a result. 

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SOURCE: https://www.italymagazine.com

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