Signature collection to reunify Molise and Abruzzo begins

Mar 12, 2024 707

To unite Molise with Abruzzo beginning with a popular referendum to merge the province of Isernia. This is the initiative presented at a press conference by a promoting committee formed in the Molise city. Ten are the founders, but many are the supporters of the proposal, which the president of the Committee, Antonio Libero Bucci, explained.

"The path to merge Molise directly with Abruzzo requires two very complicated steps: an amendment of a Constitutional nature and the approval of the regional councils of the regions involved. So we sought an alternative path, which is to ask for the amalgamation of local authorities with the neighboring region, in our case the Province of Isernia with Abruzzo.

This simplifies things because the amalgamation law is not constitutional in nature, but is ordinary. First, however, it requires a referendum called by the local authority in question, for which our Committee has started a popular petition. Five thousand signatures are needed, according to the Statute of the Province of Isernia, to request it."

According to Bucci, "if the referendum awards the Committee's proposal, Molise will not be able to remain standing as a region with only one province, that of Campobasso. At that point a law of a constitutional nature will be passed to eliminate the Molise region." According to Bucci, the reasons for the amalgamation of Molise with Abruzzo are many: "They pertain to the expectations of citizens who, in Molise, no longer have an efficient health service, infrastructural connections in step with the times, have difficulties in every service provided and pay very high taxes. This produces the unstoppable depopulation."

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