Riace Bronzes to be celebrated on 50th anniversary of discovery

Jul 10, 2022 682

BY: Marzia Apice

A long marathon of events embracing visual art, and cinema, among others, along with exhibits and debates and a dedicated website will celebrate until 2023 the historic heritage of the southern region of Calabria on the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the two world-famous ancient Greek warrior statues called the Riace Bronzes on August 16, 1972.

The celebration, with all the power of art history, heroes, warriors and legends is called Bronzi50 1972-2022. The two statues, which recently became candidates to become part of UNESCO's heritage, with their perfection - whose origins and finding are still in part shrouded in mystery - have become a symbol of Magna Grecia (Greater Greece), Calabria and the Mediterranean. 

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SOURCE: https://www.ansa.it

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