Luca, discover the new image of the Pixar film on the insert of la Repubblica

Feb 20, 2021 1231

BY: Linda Hopkins

By the end of the year Pixar will land in Liguria with Luca, the new animated film directed by Enrico Casarosa, which will allow animators to create for Italy what Ratatouille did for Paris. Today the studio has released a new promotional image of the film with the images of the protagonists for the insert The Friday of the Republic.

According to Enrico Casarosa, Luca will mix some elements of his childhood in Genoa, characterized by The Little Mermaid and the films of Hayao Miyazaki. Luca tells the story of a boy and his friend that out of the water appear to the world as normal human beings but are actually mysterious sea creatures. Their lives start changing when make friends with an Earth girl.

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