6 Specialties of Le Marche

Jul 23, 2021 415

BY: Sara Magro

On the surface, the specialties of Le Marche don't “differ” from Italian standards –  but it's the terroir of this Central Italian region that adds the special touch, rendering them unmistakably Marchigiani. Located on the Adriatic Sea south of Emilia-Romagna, north of Abruzzo, and east of Tuscany and Umbria, the region shines. Here are six must-try specialties of Le Marche

1. Ciauscolo

This PGI sausage is produced with a mixture of pork fat and lean meat, white wine, garlic, and pepper, and aged for at least 15 days. It has a pâté-like consistency and is eaten spread on warm slices of homemade bread.

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SOURCE: https://www.lacucinaitaliana.com

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