10 things to do in Rome for a short break

Feb 08, 2021 668

1) Walking along the Tiber. The Tiber, the river that crosses Rome and flows to the sea, is the witness of many events that happened in Rome. Walking along the Tiber, where lights, buildings, bridges, and statues (it stands out Saint Angel Castel with the Angels’ bridge made by Bernini) reflect on its water, you will feel like singing or listening to a typical roman song.

2) Put your hand inside the Mouth of Truth. According to the legend, the Mouth of Truth could bite the hand of liars. The ancient mask became famous all over the world thanks to the movie Roman Holyday (1953) with A. Hepburn and G. Peck, which is on the wall of the pronaos of Santa Maria in Cosmedin.

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SOURCE: https://www.visititaly.eu

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